Cashew milk is full of benefits for strengthening the bones, lightening the eyes and don’t know how many benefits you should also include in the diet.

Cashew milk is full of benefits for strengthening the bones, lightening the eyes and don’t know how many benefits you should also include in the diet.

Cashew Milk: Cashew comes in everyone’s favorite dryfruits, people like to eat it. But do you know that cashew milk is equally tasty and beneficial. Yes, if you are vegan and do not want to take cow milk, then you can drink cashew milk, it is very healthy and low calorie, which is very beneficial for your health. Cashews contain polyphenols and carotenoids, which The body benefits in many cases. It is very easy to make it at home, let us know about the method of making it and its benefits

How is cashew milk

If cashew and water are put together in a mixer and blended, then cashew milk is made. Cashew milk is thick white and very creamy. If you are vegan or have lactose intolerance, then drink cashew milk instead of buffalo or cow’s milk. It has very less calories and sugar. It is a non-dairy and low calorie milk that can be found in many shops or malls, although you can also prepare it at home.

Helps in reducing weight
If you drink cashew milk then you can lose weight. This milk contains a bio compound called anacardic acid which does not allow accumulation of fat in the body. It does not increase weight and also contains very few calories as compared to cow and almond milk.

Reduce the risk of cancer
It also reduces the risk of cancer, because cashews contain many types of anti-oxidant compounds like anacardic acid, cardanols, boron which reduce the risk of cancer in the body. prevent cells from growing.

Remove anemia
Women often complain of anemia due to iron deficiency, in such a situation, drinking cashew milk can cure anemia. You can drink cashew milk instead of taking iron supplements to boost red blood cells.

Strengthen bones

Cashew milk contains calcium, magnesium, vitamin D which is considered very important for the health of bones.. Vitamin D, Phosphorus works to absorb calcium, which keeps the bones strong and healthy. It is also helpful in preventing osteoporosis and many other diseases associated with calcium deficiency.

Control cholesterol

Cholesterol can increase by drinking cow’s milk but there is no cholesterol in cashew milk. If you have a habit of drinking milk and also want to control cholesterol level, then a product prepared from cashew can be a very good option for you.

Beneficial for the eyes-Vitamin A and Vitamin E are present in cashew milk, which vitamins play a very important role in the health of the eyes.

How to prepare cashew milk

  • Soak 200 grams of cashew nuts overnight, wash them thoroughly in the morning and filter them in a sieve
  • Blend the cashews with four cups of water in a blender for one to two minutes.
  • If you want to taste the sondha of cashew milk, then fry the cashews in a pan without oil and then soak them overnight.
  • If you are a sugar patient, It would be better to avoid sugar.
  • If you want to store it, put it in a storage container and refrigerate it.

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